Associate Senior Lecturer in data-driven research in epidemiology and infection biology

 Tenure Track · MCF  · 72 mois (renouvelable)    Bac+8 / Doctorat, Grandes Écoles   Université d'Uppsala · Uppsala (Suède)


Data-driven infection biology epidemiology


Associate Senior Lecturer (DDLS Fellow) in data-driven research in epidemiology and infection biology

The Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology at Uppsala University is recruiting an associate senior lecturer (equivalent to assistant professor) with tenure track in data-driven research in infection biology and epidemiology. The position comes with a very generous package of SEK 17 million, which is intended to cover five years of the fellow’s salary, two doctoral students, two post-doc positions and ongoing costs. This position is part of a large initiative funded by the Wallenberg Foundation, to promote data-drive life sciences, in collaboration with SciLifeLab (see more here:

See the full description and apply here:


Procédure :

Date limite : 6 septembre 2021

Offre publiée le 17 juin 2021, affichage jusqu'au 6 septembre 2021