2 years Postdoc in Biodiversity Genomics, Tenerife Island, Spain

 CDD · Postdoc  · 24 mois    Bac+8 / Doctorat, Grandes Écoles   IPNA-CSIC, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain · San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Espagne)

 Date de prise de poste : 1 septembre 2023


Metabarcoding, Metagenomics, Data visualisation, Biodiversity, Pollinators, Arthropods


Two-year position for a bioinformatician to work within the Horizon Europe project "Biodiversity Genomics Europe".

This position offers the opportunity to work within a multi-partner project that brings together researchers from fields spanning from barcoding through metabarcoding to genome assembly (https://biodiversitygenomics.eu). The position will build upon recent advancements in bulk arthropod sample metabarcoding to develop and refine pipelines to remove errors associated with (i) taxonomic inflation at the community level and (ii) haplotype inflation within species. This will include, but not be restricted to, improving and benchmarking metaMATE (DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.13337) and the development of a user-friendly GUI, integrating denoising methods. The position also allows working with data generated within the project involving Malaise trap sampling of arthropod communities sampled across Europe. The project's sampling programs address objectives that focus on (i) pollinator communities and (ii) arthropod biodiversity changes across altitudinal gradients. There will be further opportunities to collaborate with ongoing related research within the host institute.

The position is competitively funded, with a start date of September 01, 2023. The successful applicant will be based at the IPNA-CSIC in Tenerife, Spain, with project-related travel and remote working opportunities. Informal enquiries are welcome and can be made to Brent Emerson (bemerson@ipna.csic.es), Carmelo Andújar (candujar@ipna.csic.es) or Paula Arribas (pauarribas@ipna.csic.es).



Procédure : Send an email to contacts with english CV.

Date limite : 15 août 2023


Brent Emerson, Carmelo Andújar, or Paula Arribas


Offre publiée le 4 avril 2023, affichage jusqu'au 15 août 2023