Bioanalyst for the analysis of “Epigenetic changes in Neurodegenerative diseases”

 CDD · IR  · 18 mois (renouvelable)    Bac+5 / Master   Laboratory for Epigenetics & Environment, CEA-CNRGH · Evry (France)

 Date de prise de poste : 2 mai 2024


Data analysis NGS Epigenetics DNA methylation data integration Neurodegenerative diseases Parkinson's disease


Bioanalyst for the analysis of “Epigenetic changes in Neurodegenerative diseases”

Laboratory for Epigenetics & Environment, CEA-CNRGH, Evry, CDD 18 months

For its activity analyzing the human epigenome in sorted cell populations from patients with neurodegenerative diseases and the effect of different clinical treatments on the epigenome, the Laboratory for Epigenetics and Environment, led by Dr Jorg Tost, at the CEA – Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine is recruiting a qualified bioinformatician/bioanalyst. In the framework of a close collaboration with our international collaborators from Germany, the candidate will analyze and integrate data from genome-wide DNA methylation, miRNA as well as long non–coding RNA sequencing in patient samples with Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) and Parkinson’s disease and cellular systems in which key changes of the neurodegenerative diseases are reproduced. He/she will maintain/ further develop the bioinformatic pipelines for the analysed modifications, detect differentially expressed RNAs and methylation changes in large data sets and develop statistical models to define altered co-regulated molecular modules The successful candidate will participate and lead the valorisation of the results from the project through publications and presentations.


The National Center for Research on Human Genomics (CNRGH in French) is located in the French Genopole, in Evry, near Paris. This research center is involved in major national and international research projects to study complex diseases according to different biological views (genetic, transcriptomic, epigenetics, ...) using high-throughput technologies (high density microarrays, NGS). The important flow of the biological data produced in the center implies automated data processing pipelines and the application of complex and integrative bioinformatics methods. The laboratory for Epigenetics and Environment is involved in the development and application of technologies to analyse DNA methylation and other epigenetic modifications at high resolution at target loci and genome-wide as well as the development of bioinformatic tools for the processing of such data. The main focus of the Epigenetics group has been the analysis of DNA methylation and miRNA patterns implicated in neurodegenerative and inflammatory diseases.


Type of contract: Fixed term contract (~ 18 months)

Salary: according to candidate's experience.



Master + at least three years of experience or PhD required in Bioinformatics with a background in biology



- Good knowledge of programming languages (Python or Perl) for the analysis of quantitative large-scale data.

- Proficiency in the R environment and usage of Bioconductor packages.

- Experience in the manipulation of large-scale data sets

- Fluent English due to the international collaboration is a pre-requisite.


Procédure : Please send your CV and a cover letter with references to

Date limite : 20 avril 2024


Jorg Tost

Offre publiée le 21 mars 2024, affichage jusqu'au 20 avril 2024