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CPJ: Artificial Intelligence for Digital Health

 Concours · PU  · 36 mois (renouvelable)    Bac+8 / Doctorat, Grandes Écoles   Mines Paris -- PSL university · Paris (France)  The gross annual salary will be €43,418 during the pre-tenure period.

 Date de prise de poste : 1 janvier 2025


Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Computer Vision, Precision Medicine Bioinformatics Computational Biology digital health


General Context
Université PSL is launching a call for applications for a Junior Professor Chair in Bioinformatics /
Computational Biology titled "Artificial Intelligence for Digital Health".
The activity will take place at the Center for Computational Biology (CBIO), Mines Paris PSL,
Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (CBIO, Mines Paris,
This is a tenure track position with a reduced teaching load leading to a full professor position in three
years. The position will start on Novembre 1st 2024 (or at a mutually agreed later date).
The position is open to all researchers wishing to develop their activity in Artificial Intelligence for biology
or medicine. The position includes an internationally competitive salary and competitive start-up package.


Research Project
The scientific project associated with this position will align with the strategy of the Center for
Bioinformatics and aim to develop and apply Artificial Intelligence methods in the field of health,
particularly for oncology applications. We consider both projects targeting clinical applications and
projects that are more upstream, aiming to understand disease mechanisms. Examples include: the
search for molecular or morphological biomarkers, genomic and transcriptomic analysis, precision
medicine, biomedical image analysis, computer-assisted diagnosis, drug design via computational
approaches, and patient record analysis.
The recruited individual will develop innovative and ambitious computational methods to address cutting-
edge questions in medicine and/or biology. Therefore, we expect both a high level of technical expertise
in AI/ML and a commitment to health application. The research project conducted as part of this position
will complement the projects carried out at the Center for Computational Biology and will be integrated
with the activities of our joint unit "Computational Oncology" (joint unit Institut Curie, INSERM, Mines
The recruited individual will find a stimulating environment at the interface between AI and cancer
research, with considerable computing infrastructure and an environment that fosters strong interactions
between disciplines, thanks to our partnership with the Institut Curie.

Teaching Project
The teaching project will be part of the graduate programs "Engineering" and "Life Sciences" at PSL
University, and, in particular, the new master's program "Science and Technology for Health" opening in
September 2025. The recruited individual will take responsibilities within the "Data Science and Digital
Health" track, which will offer teachings covering a wide spectrum, from biotechnologies to precision
medicine. They will contribute to the organization and coordination of this track and will deliver part of the
teachings. Additionally, the recruited individual will participate in teaching at Mines Paris (AI/ML and life
sciences). Finally, they may be involved in developing new AI training offerings, particularly in the context
of the international bachelor's program led by the three engineering schools of PSL opening in September
2025, or in continuing education programs.
Teaching will be in English for the Master2 PSL.
The CPJ holder will have a reduced teaching load during the pre-tenure period (minimum of 64 hours of
teaching time per year, then a teaching load of 192 hours of teaching time as a full professor).
No additional courses or work may be carried out during this period, which must be mainly devoted to

Financial Support
The junior professor will benefit from a startup fund of €314k (including the salary of a doctoral student,
postdoc for two years, as well as equipment and operating expenses).


Procédure : Candidates must complete an application on the Galaxie platform; to do so, they must first register on galaxie. Only applications submitted via the Galaxie platform will be accepted. All documents must be submitted on this platform. No documents sent by e-mail can be taken into consideration.

Date limite : 2 septembre 2024


 Thomas Walter

Offre publiée le 3 juillet 2024, affichage jusqu'au 2 septembre 2024