Traduction du site en cours

Le site de la SFBI est en cours de traduction en anglais.

Post-doctorate or engineer in Microbial Environmental Bio-informatics

 CDD · IR  · 12 mois    Bac+5 / Master   Génétique Moléculaire, Génomique, Microbiologie UMR 7156 CNRS, Université de Strasbourg · Strasbourg (France)  Monthly net salary: 1600 to 2500 euros, according to experience and diploma

 Date de prise de poste : 5 septembre 2024


metabarcoding genomics de novo genome analysis statistical omic data analysis plant-associated microbial communities climate change environmental microbiology


Post-doctorate or engineer in Microbial Environmental Bio-informatics

The project aims to improve fundamental knowledge of the microbiome/plant interactions in the phyllosphere, the aerial parts of plants.

The selected candidate will be in charge of bio-informatic analysis of metabarcoding datasets (16S rRNA gene amplicon Illumina PE sequencing) of methylotophic communities from cultivated crops under controlled conditions and samplings (plant development stage, hydric stress, CO2 influx, temperature).

A complementary mission includes analyzing high-quality long reads from sequenced genomes of isolated methylotrophs that promote crop growth under climate change-like stress.


Procédure : Please send a single PDF document (4 pages maximum) by email, including a concise letter of motivation, detailed CV describing previous positions and publication list, and the contacts of at least two scientists as references (letters of recommendation are optional).

Date limite : 31 décembre 2024


 Françoise Bringel

Offre publiée le 5 septembre 2024, affichage jusqu'au 31 décembre 2024