Post-doc in pangenome analysis for agricultural species

 CDD · Postdoc  · 18 mois    Bac+5 / Master   INRAE · Auzeville-Tolosane (France)  Selon grille INRAE

 Date de prise de poste : 1 avril 2025


genomics pangenomics



We wish to welcome a postdoctoral researcher in our multi-disciplinary team at the Toulouse Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Lab (MIAT, from the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE). Research in the team focuses on the development of new methods for the analysis of biological data.

Project description:

The recruited postdoctoral researcher will be responsible for the development of a method finding associated variants with a trait, using pangenome graphs. The aim will be to find so-called "bubbles" in the graph, and check whether the paths can be linked to a known phenotype of interest. Developments will be applied to agricultural species. The candidate will have access to the Genotoul-Bioinfo computing servers.

Job activities:

  • Development of dedicated algorithms

  • Programming/coding in compliance with FAIR principles

  • Applications to use cases

Expected skills:

  • Hold a PhD degree in computer science, bioinformatics, or applied mathematics.

  • Master programming languages ​​such as C++ or Rust.

  • Have an interest in working in a multidisciplinary environment (bioinformatics).

Professional environment:

INRAE is a world leader in agriculture, food and the environment, with the mission of producing and sharing scientific knowledge contributing to solve major challenges in Europe and in the world concerning agriculture, food and the environment.

The missions of the MIAT, which is comprised of 4 teams and ~50 people, is to address methodological needs of life and agricultural sciences, from the gene to the ecosystem. The lab also develops methods and software in statistics, machine learning, and computer sciences.

The Statistics and Algorithms for Biology team (SaAB) team is composed of 15 people: 10 researchers, 3 engineer, 2 PhD students. Its aim is develop and provide methods in mathematics, statistics, and computer science, for life science.

Toulouse is the capital of Occitanie (south-west France), with a rich cultural tradition, and extensive scientific activity, making it a very welcoming and pleasant city to live in.


Procédure : Envoyer un mail au contact

Date limite : 31 janvier 2025


Matthias Zytnicki

Offre publiée le 7 janvier 2025, affichage jusqu'au 31 janvier 2025