Research scientist or engineer position in bioinformatics
CDD · Autres · 12 mois (renouvelable) Bac+5 / Master Laboratory Development and genome evolution (Denis Duboule) · Paris (France) According to qualifications
Galaxy Chromatin organization Gene regulation
The Collège de France is a major public institution for higher education and research. It has a dual vocation, to be both a place for advanced research and a place for its teaching. Dedicated to fundamental research, the Collège de France has this singular characteristic to teach "knowledge in the making in all fields of literature, science and the arts".
Located at various sites in Paris (place Marcelin Berthelot, rue du Cardinal Lemoine, rue d'Ulm, Belle Gabrielle), the establishment is home to some 1,000 people: teacher-researchers, researchers, doctoral and post-doctoral students, engineers and technicians, librarians and administrative staff. The Collège de France is an associate member of the Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL).
The Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Biologie (CIRB), located at the Collège de France in central Paris, is a research structure involving the Collège de France, the CNRS and INSERM. The Center hosts several independent research groups covering multiple aspects of biology ranging from theory, evo-devo, microbiology, cell biology and development, cancer, cardiovascular disease to neuroscience. It includes several state-of-the-art technical platforms, particularly in imaging and animal experimentation. The CIRB continues to develop strong interactions with PSL institutions such as the Ecole Normale Supérieure and the Institut Curie.
Our laboratory is interested in understanding the early genetic events during axial specification in mammals. Due to the difficulties to study these processes in embryo, we use an in vitro surrogate system that mimics these steps and provides us with ample material to be able to investigate axial elongation both on a molecular and cellular levels. We use molecular biology methods to study the transcriptional status of the developing gastruloids (bulk RNA-seq, scRNA-seq), 2D chromatin (ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq) and 3D chromatin (Hi-C, Micro-C). In addition, we use imaging techniques to visualize the activity of selected developmental genes.
You will provide bioinformatics and computational analysis support in the field of chromatin organization during developmental gene regulation within the laboratory. Your mission is to assist laboratory members in these bioinformatics analyses with the help of a local galaxy server associated with the laboratory. In this way, you will be part of the vibrant and supportive global Galaxy community.
Knowledge and skills
*Experience in the analysis of large genomic datasets and bio-statistics is desirable (i.e., Hi-C, Micro-C, scRNA-seq, bulk RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq).
*Theoretical and practical knowledge of programming/biostatistics (R, bash, python).
*Some knowledge of developmental biology and gene regulation would be a plus, as well as a fair command of English.
Profile required
Level of education: Post-graduate degree (MSc/PhD) in computational biology or bioinformatics or biostatistics. Experience in any of these topics would be a plus.
Procédure : The application file, consisting of the following documents: *A letter of application, giving the names of two people to contact in the event of a reference request. *A curriculum vitae specifying employer and status *A short declaration of research interests Applications must be sent at the following address:
Date limite : None
Professor Duboule
Offre publiée le 29 janvier 2025, affichage jusqu'au 30 mars 2025