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Post-doc en épidémiologie moléculaire

 CDD · Postdoc  · 12 mois (renouvelable)    Bac+8 / Doctorat, Grandes Écoles   Inserm U1018 - CESP - Team Exposome and Heredity · Villejuif (France)

 Date de prise de poste : 15 mai 2025


metabolomics, epidemiology, cancers, molecular epidemiology


The Exposome, Heredity, Cancer, and Health team at the Research Center in Epidemiology and Population Health (CESP), INSERM, investigates how the exposome, that encompasses individual factors such as health-related behaviors and lifestyle, occupational and environmental exposures, and biological characteristics interact with the genetic background to influence the occurrence and progression of common diseases such as cancer, cardio-metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases. This research program is based on data from different sources such as the E3N-Generations cohort, the EPIC cohort, the UK Biobank and other case-control studies originating from these cohorts and elsewhere

The role of the selected candidate is to contribute to different projects on molecular epidemiology with a focus on the role of the metabolome in cancer risk in collaboration with IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer).

More specifically, the incumbent will be responsible for the preparation and analysis of targeted and/or untargeted metabolomics data generated from biospecimens belonging to large cohorts such as the European Prospective Investigation into Nutrition and Cancer cohort (EPIC). To this end, the candidate will be required to perform multivariate statistical analyses as well as epidemiological models on high-dimensional data.

In particular, the incumbent will derive metabolic signatures of dietary exposures, such as meat or alcohol consumption, using multivariate statistical techniques, and also develop epidemiological models relating exposures or metabolic signatures to chronic disease outcomes.

The selected candidate will work in a cross-disciplinary research team with expertise in biostatistics, genetic epidemiology and bioinformatics.

- Statistical analysis using tools and techniques for omics data and interpretation of the results
- Writing of scientific publications and reports (and participation to potential follow-up grant applications)
- Presentation of study results at national or international scientific conferences

- The candidate should have a PhD in a relevant subject (e.g. biostatistics, epidemiology, bioinformatics).
- Proficiency in both written and oral scientific English
- The candidate should be able to independently conduct analyses using R
- Good understanding of observational epidemiology study designs.
- Experience with descriptive and inferential statistical tools
- Experience with analysis of metabolomics data

- Ability to work in a multidisciplinary team environment (biology, genomics, informatics, etc.)
- Autonomy, organization, and methodological rigor
- Analytical and synthesis skills, clear oral and written communication

Renewable 12-month fixed-term contract
Remuneration according to the salary scales of INSERM


Procédure : Interested candidates should send their application, including a cover letter (in French or English), a detailed CV and names and contact details of two referees, by email to and before the 30th of April 2025.


 Therese Truong

 Gianluca Severi

Offre publiée le 19 mars 2025, affichage jusqu'au 30 avril 2025